After placing ads on the Meta platform, you can find billing information for your ad account in the Billing section of the Meta Ads Manager, where you can view payment records and details of specific charges.
Go to the Ads Manager, click on the bill, and then click on the payment settings in the upper right corner to switch and view the payment records of different ad accounts.
There are 3 tabs under the Billing and Payment module. Click Account to view and manage all advertising accounts in the current Meta business account. Click Payment Method to view and manage the payment methods bound to the current Meta business account.
Click Payment History to view all transaction records of your ad account. Click the Transaction drop-down menu and select a transaction. You will see transaction details, including transaction number, payment date, payment amount, payment method used, and payment status. You can also filter by date range. Click the Date drop-down menu on the right and select the date range of the transaction you want to view.
Each transaction generated in an ad account will have a transaction number. Click on the transaction number of a charge to learn more about the charge. In addition, you can also click on the ad group name to view the ad performance, such as the number of impressions or clicks the ad received. The total number of clicks and impressions the ad received will be displayed in the Meta Ad Management tool. The actual number of clicks or impressions you need to pay for will be shown in the receipt. In addition, the number of clicks or impressions in the receipt may be different from the data in the Ad Management tool.
After viewing your payment history, you can also choose to download a transaction receipt by clicking the “Download” icon on the right. You can view and download receipts for a single advertising charge, or receipts for all advertising charges within a specific date range.
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